Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dennis Flynn exhibition makes Santa Fe Reporter "Pick"

In todays Santa Fe, reporter Dennis Flynn, James Lofton, and Carlos Carulo's exhibition make the "Pick"! With what I consider a glowing report.

Remember the Exhibit goes till March 28th of 2008.

Several pieces have already been sold, and Dennis Flynn will be presenting 2 more pieces by the weekend. So there is something new to see.

For more details check at :

Thanks Folks

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dennis Flynn, James Lofton, carlos Carulo, and Perspectives a great combination

News 02-02-08
"Gallery showing is a excellent grouping of diverse artwork" (E. V. McKay)

Friday nights premier was an excellent start. Several artworks have already been sold.

We encourage you to come experience the works for yourself.